Call Park and Directed Call Park
- Attendant Console : Cisco Unified Communications Manager Attendant Console uses the Call Park Retrieval Allowed check box (found on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration User Configuration window) when configuring the ac user. See "Configuring the ac Application User" in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide for details.
- CTI Applications : CTI applications (for example, Attendant Console) access call park functionality, including monitoring activity on call park DNs. To monitor a call park DN, you must add an application or end user that is associated with the CTI application to the Standard CTI Allow Call Park Monitoring user group.
Refer to the "Configuration Checklist for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Attendant Console" section on page 11-19 for details.
- Music On Hold
Music on hold allows users to place calls on hold with music that a streaming source provides. Music on hold allows two types of hold:
•User hold—The system invokes this type of hold when a user presses the Hold button or Hold softkey.
•Network hold—This type of hold takes place when a user activates the transfer, conference, or call park feature, and the hold automatically gets invoked.
- Route Plan Report
The route plan report displays the patterns and directory numbers that are configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Use the route plan report to look for overlapping patterns and directory numbers before assigning a directory number to call park. Refer to the Route Plan Report chapter in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.
- Calling Search Space and Partitions
Assign the Call Park directory number or range to a partition to limit call park access to users on the basis of the device calling search space. See Calling Search Space Configuration and Partition Configuration in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.
- Immediate Divert
Call park supports Immediate Divert (iDivert softkey). For example, user A calls user B, and user B parks the call. User B retrieves the call and then decides to send the call to voice-messaging mailbox by pressing the iDivert softkey. User A receives the voice-messaging mailbox greeting of user B.
- Barge
The following paragraphs describe the differences between Barge and cBarge with call park.
- Barge with Call Park
The target phone (the phone that is being barged upon) controls the call. The barge initiator "piggy backs" on the target phone. The target phone includes most of the common features, even when the target is being barged; therefore, the barge initiator has no feature access. When the target parks a call, the barge initiator then must release its call (the barge).4-7 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide OL-15410-01 Chapter 4 Call Park and Directed Call Park Interactions and Restrictions
- cBarge with Call Park
The target and barge initiator act as peers. The cBarge feature uses a conference bridge, which makes it behave similar to a MeetMe conference. Both phones (target and barge initiator) have full access to their features.
- Directed Call Park
Cisco recommends that you do not configure both directed call park and the Park softkey for call park, but the possibility exists to configure both. If you configure both, ensure that the call park and directed call park numbers do not overlap.
- Q.SIG Intercluster Trunks
When a user parks a call across a QSIG intercluster trunk or a QSIG gateway trunk, the caller who has been parked (the parkee) does not see the To parked number message. The phone continues to display the original connected number. The call has been parked, and the user who parked the call can retrieve it. When the call is retrieved from the parked state, the call continues, but the caller who was parked does not see the newly connected number.
The following restrictions apply to call park:
•Cisco Unified Communications Manager can park only one call at each call park extension number.
하나의 call park extension number 에 하나의 call 만 park 시킬 수 있다.
•Ensure each call park directory number, partition, and range is unique within the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.
각각의 call park DN, partition and range 가 유일한지 확인하라.
•For shared line devices across nodes, the line will register to the node on which the device registers first. For example, if a device from subscriber2 registers first and the line is created in subscriber2 and the publisher server, the line belongs to subscriber2. Each node must be configured with the call park number.
Nodes 를 지나는 shared line devices 를 위하여, 이 line 은 node(단, device 등록이 선행되어야함) 에 등록할 것이다.예를 들어 subscriber 의 등록이 먼저 되고 다음에 publisher server 가 등록 되어도 the line 은 subscriber 에 속하게 된다.
•To achieve failover/fallback, configure call park numbers on the publisher server and subscriber nodes. With this configuration, when the primary node is down, the line/device association gets changed to the secondary node, and the secondary node call park number gets used.
Failover/fallback 을 하기 위해 , publisher server 와 subscriber nodes 에 call park numbers 를 configuration 하라. Primary node 가 down 될 시, line/device 와 관련된 것들은 secondary node 로 이동하게 된다.
•Each Cisco Unified Communications Manager to which devices are registered needs its own unique call park directory number and range.
각 CUCM 은 자신의 유일한 call park directory number 와 range 가 필요하다.
•Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902 cannot park a call (retrieval of parked calls only).
7902 ip phone 은 call park 을 할 수 없다.
•Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration does not validate the call park numbers or range that you use to configure call park. To help identify invalid numbers or ranges and potential range overlaps, use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Dialed Number Analyzer tool.
•If any call park numbers are configured for Cisco Unified Communications Manager on a node that is being deleted in the Server Configuration window (System > Server), the server deletion fails. Before you can delete the node, you must delete the call park numbers in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.4-8 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide OL-15410-01 Chapter 4 all Park and Directed Call Park Installing and Activating Call Park
•Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration does not check that the value that is entered for Call Park Reversion Timer is less than the value that is entered for the Call Park Display Timer. If you entered a Call Park Reversion Timer value that is less than the Call Park Display Timer, call park numbers will not display on the phone.
Setting the Service Parameters for Call Park
- Call park display timer - Call park 이 된 후 지정된 call park number 가 화면에 display 되는 시간 (default : 10) 각각의 server 에 이 시간을 셋팅함.
- call park reversion timer – call park 된 후 지정된 시간이 지나면 call park 시킨 행위자에게 전화를 건다.
Directed Call Park
Example 1: Using the Directed Call Park Feature—Parked Call Gets Retrieved
- a 와 b 가 통화를 한다.
Example 2: Using the Directed Call Park Feature—Parked Call Does Not Get Retrieved
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